Me Too | Two small words with big meaning

I've heard Pastor Steven Furtick say the two most important words a Christian can say are not "you should" but "me too." I agree wholeheartedly. I'd say the two most important words ANYONE can say to another are "me too." When a friend is hurting, it's good to hear "me too." When a student is... Continue Reading →

Book Review | Everybody Always by Bob Goff

Can I just start out by confessing how slowly I get through a book? I've been working on this one for a long time. I don't just read one book till it's finished. I usually have two going at once. And I get distracted so easily, even when it's as great a read as Everybody... Continue Reading →

This quote resonates with me because for a long time I was judging myself by the wrong measure. Albert Einstein was a genius in more ways than one. His lighthearted quote makes a heavy impact on our self awareness.

Life is Short |We Gotta Live it Well

Have you ever had one of those experiences where it just hits you that life is short? Where you feel the urgency to pour out everything inside of you, knowing that God will fill you back up every time you run down to empty? I'm feeling that right now. I'm feeling the gentle nudge that there is work to be done and the deep security that I'm not doing it alone.

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